Beyond Sandwiches And Buttered Rolls: Other Ways To Use Good Bakery Kaiser Buns

There's nothing quite like a good kaiser roll from a local bakery. The crusty exterior and chewy, yet fluffy interior makes these rolls perfect for sandwiches and also delicious when simply spread with butter. But there are so many sandwiches and buttered rolls you can eat. If you have a bunch of kaiser rolls on hand and want to get creative, here are some more unique ways to use them. [Read More]

How To Plan Your Menu For Out-Of-Town Thanksgiving Guests

Pretty soon Halloween will be a thing of the past and you'll be getting ready for Thanksgiving. If you are having out-of-town guests for Thanksgiving, you are probably already planning for their visit. Of course, part of the planning is organizing a menu for the time they'll be at your home. Here are some ideas that might help you. Breakfast - One of the tricky parts about having guests stay at your home is that you aren't quite sure about the time they'll wake up every morning. [Read More]